Low Pulse Project|A Uosemo Feat. Daniele De Cario
A Uosemo en español significa: “Por instinto”. Video musical producido por Low Pulse Project y Gracon Productions. Dirigido por Jean Luis Contreras. Agradecimientos especiales a Erika Contreras, Miles Contreras, el abuelo June, Blondie, Pablo y los adorables perros Wolf y Perrito. Mira el video y escucha la canción deja un comentario. Sus comentarios son muy importantes para nosotros.
A Uosemo in Spanish means: “Going by instinct”. Music video produced by Low Pulse Project and Gracon Productions. Directed by Jean Luis Contreras. special thanks to Erika Contreras, Miles Contreras, Grandpa June, Blondie, Pablo and the adorable dogs Wolf and Perrito. Watch the video and listen to the song leave a comment. Your comments are very important to us.
Low Pulse Project lands in Spain!
The latest single from LPP with Daniele De Cario lands in Spain and its wonderful islands where it will be broadcast on DVL Radio and Onda Teguestera.
Two unmissable events on Onda Teguestera on Sunday 1st at 11 AM
and on DVL Radio on Monday 2nd May at 10PM
¡LPP aterriza en España!
El último single de LPP con Daniele De Cario aterriza en España y sus maravillosas islas donde será retransmitido por DVL Radio y Onda Teguestera.
Dos eventos imperdibles Onda Teguestera el domingo 1 de mayo a las 11 h y en lunes 2 de mayo a las 22 hs en DVL Radio
LPP on air on Italian radio stations.
Monday May 2nd 2022 Low Pulse Project Featuring Daniele De Cario on air on Italian radio stations.
Check it out and listen to Daniele De Cario aka DeCa on A Uosemo the new single of Low Pulse Project.
Radio Antenna Petrignano (Umbria) from 11:45 AM
Radio Svolta (Lazio) from 9:30 PM
Radio Onde Quadre (Piedmont) from 2:30 PM
Radio Hemingway (Lombardia) from 1AM
Radio Roma Sud (Lazio) from 1AM
Radio Inondazioni (Puglia) from 12AM
Low Pulse Project|A Uosemo (Feat. Daniele de Cario)
Low Pulse Project presents A Uosemo the new single written, composed and produced by Daniele De Cario.
A dubstep/hip hop song inspired by current events and that DeCa describes testually:
D.D.C. ”
I’ve written this song while I was on the LA metro subway. I was surrounded by people wearing uniforms. Some of them displaying working badges on their jackets. Most of them wearing headphones, focusing on phones or tablets. There were no expressions on their faces. It was early evening. They probably were getting off from work.
I’ve got the feeling of being surrounded by automata.
This scene inspired me the lyrics for “A uosemo” which in Neapolitan means ” going by instinct”. Just like dogs.
Today’s reality is like that: people are treated like dogs.
They believe to be free. Actually they aren’t.
They just act like hunting dogs feeling freedom only when they are unleashed to catch the prey to please and satisfy their master.
In this globalized world people get the illusion to be free.
They look for a job to make money in order to buy things proposed by advertising.
Their goal is purchasing a subscription to watch movies, or buying the best car on the market or the best mobile phone.
Therefore as soon as they earn money they will give them back to their master.
Satisfaction is a mirage. It is an ephemeral happiness that lasts until the purchase of the next item.
I have written and sung A Uosemo first in Neapolitan, then in Spanish which is the most spoken language in the world.
I have chosen Spanish also because I deeply respect latin languages that belong to my roots and which I do not intend to forget because it belongs to my inheritance as well as to that of all of us and of the world.
A Uosemo is a song which has no claim other than to describe the real pitiful status of today’s human being who instead of improving follows a process of involution both interior and exterior.
I hope that humans will soon wake up and start to think with their own minds.”
A brief summary to make things easier for AI and Gen Z.
Among the other projects, LPP has given its artistic contribution to The Artist First Voice and Acting Studio, Learning Languages, Gracons Productions, Blue Zones Project, RAI International, Italian Festival L.A., IAMLA (The Italian American Museum of Los Angeles), Italian Foundation Los Angeles, Be Fit With Erika, A.C. Raggio di Sole, Aqquarela, Angel of Soul, Aristotttle band, Tino & The Untuned Elephants, Mariviento and others.
For the past 3 years it has done live shows, workshops, DJ sets (in person and online) and it has provided entertainment for private events.
Low Pulse Project has booked concerts in the area and it also toke artists on tour in Europe.
Lately it has appeared in several domestic and foreign magazines that talk about its growth and its founders.
Finally the time has come to publish a music track that was actually born before 3 years ago but which due to lack of time it wasn’t able to release it earlier.
The song is titled A Uosemo that in Neapolitan meets the concept of “Going by instinct”. However, despite having a Neapolitan title, the song is sung in Spanish and features an English chorus.
Written, composed, produced and sung by Daniele De Cario, A Uosemo features hip-hop/dubstep/electronic vibes. And will be soon available online.
Happy 2020 Dj Set

Watch and listen to Hip Hop/Dub Step Happy 2020 Dj Set