Live on Facebook and Instagram

After declaration of pandemic for covid-19 most of people is locked home for precaution, for their safety and other’s safety. While following the new roles in each country we have thought to spend some time together live on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Since declaration of pandemic for covid-19, most people are locked up at home as a precaution, for their safety and for others’safety. While following the new rules in each country, we can still be connected. Let’s spend some time together!

We will be live on our Facebook and Instagram pages. at 11 am.Original dance music and chilling vibe featuring warnings about safety and emergency by President of Campania (IT) Vincenzo De Luca.
Protect yourself and others. #stayhome #djset #istayhome #stattacasa #iorestoacasa #covid19 #pandemic #emergency #2020.